اشتهرت الفتاة الأمريكية، غابي سكامبون، بنشرها مقاطع فيديو لصيدها ومصارعتها التماسيح الضخمة.
وتقدم سكامبون عروض مصارعة مع الزواحف الخطرة لتعليم المشاهدين كيفية السيطرة على التماسيح، في ولاية فلوريدا الأمريكية.

ولدى الفتاة المغامرة 118 ألف متابع على "انستغرام"، حيث تنشر مقاطع فريدة لمداعبتها وتقبيلها وإطعامها لتماسيح بالإضافة إلى لقطات الصيد.
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THIS COULD BE YOU! Casper tours are now up and running again! Get up close and personal with Casper the alligator in his beautiful, 30,000 gallon crystal clear lagoon! No experience is necessary! @gatorboys_chris is in the water with you at all times, and you are behind a net (FWC requires it). Seeing an alligator swimming in the water will change the way you see them, and open your mind. This is the hands-off experience for observation and photos only, and takes place at @evergladesoutpost. This is the only place in the world where you can do this 💕 For more details on pricing, dates available, or to book your slot, please email us at chrisgillettewildlife@Gmail.com (I’ll be answering the emails❤️) 🐊 We hope to see you there! #casper #alligator #underwater #gatortours #casperthealligator #florida #thingstodo

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وقالت سكلمبون، إن 95 في المئة من الناس يعتقدون أن التماسيح ستلاحقهم وتأكلهم، ونوهت أن التماسيح لن تقتلكم من دون سبب. وبحسب الخبيرة، التماسيح لا تحب أن يزعجها أو يضايقها أحد. 
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The sweetest boy, JJ. I love being able to show people that alligators are smart, and are capable of learning their names, recognizing individual people, and being habituated. They all have different personalities as well! The most common question I get is “WHY ISN’T HE ATTACKING YOU”, which just goes to show you, that’s how people think they act all of the time, which is really sad! We have 2 million alligators in the state of Florida, if they REALLY wanted to attack people, we would have hundreds of people dying every day. But instead, alligator attacks are far and few, and most of them happen when people are swimming in the water, or right at the water’s edge. Even though I am able to do this, it’s important to remember that they are not my friends. I love them, they do not love me. Under the right circumstances, if I make a mistake, they will still bite me. These are powerful apex predators that deserve our respect, and our love ❤️ At @evergladesholidaypark. #gator #alligator #reptile #gatorgirl #florida #animals #CRAWL

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وأحد أهداف سكامبون الأساسية، نقل التماسيح من الحدائق والبحيرات المحلية إلى المناطق الأكثر أمانًا لها وللمقيمين القريبين.
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Alligators somehow got this stigma that they are brainless, bloodthirsty monsters, that will eat everything in their path, including humans. This is the farthest thing from the truth. Alligators avoid conflict with humans for the most part, especially on land. Think about it! When you’re standing on land, you are 5-6 feet tall. It doesn’t really matter how long the alligator is, you still TOWER above that animal! You’re very intimidating! They see you as a predator, and will usually run away from you as soon as you get close to them. Now when people are swimming in the water with an alligator, that is a completely different situation. Alligators are ambush predators, they sneak barely below the surface, with their eyes above the water, and what does a swimming person look like to a gator? A floating head! People look so much smaller when they’re swimming in the water, and the animal can get confused, and mistake you for an easy meal. Unprovoked alligator attacks are rare, and fatalities are even rarer! Once the animal bites down on a person and realizes they have have bitten down on something way bigger than a duck, with a combination of the person punching/fighting off the alligator, they usually will let go, because it isn’t worth wasting their energy. According to Florida’s Wildlife Commission the chances of a Floridian being severely injured in an unprovoked alligator attack is 1 in 3.2 million! Another thing that makes alligators extremely dangerous and increases an attack is when the animal has been fed. It is illegal to feed alligators in Florida. Once a person feeds the animal, it starts to make the connection that people = food, and they are much more likely to approach people looking for a handout. That’s where things get really dangerous, and as you could imagine, many people would not know how to react if an 8-9 foot alligator started walking towards them! Now let’s talk about the alligators I work with. I am a state licensed alligator trapper, so I work with wild alligators, as well as captive ones. Most of the captive alligators that I work with on a daily basis are used to people, and have been in captivity long enough where they have- CONTINUED

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وتتعامل سكامبون مع مخاطر مهنتها بواقعية، حيث تقول إنه من الممكن أن تفقد يدك أو أصابعك خلال العمل فيمكن للتمساح تمزيق ذراعك، وهذا الأمر ليس مزحة.